Monday, February 04, 2013

welcome back furby!

I mentioned on Instagram that my brother bought me a Furby. I've been wanting to get one since I saw an ad of it on amazon last year. I remember when the original Furby came out ages ago and it was a lot of fun to play with (mine actually spoke a bit of Cantonese). I remember it started rambling in the middle of the night, it scared the crap out of me and my sister and we kind of refused to touch it since then...

The Furby Commercial that worked on a 24 year old.

But years later, I think I can handle another Furby, especially one that does so many cool things. I was planning on getting one after Christmas but it costs $70 before taxes and we have a tax rate of 14.5%, which comes out to just a bit over $80. This wouldn't have been a problem, except I don't work anymore and I still need to pay for my CMA training and other bills.

Anyway, when my family and I went to Wal-Mart in the States two weeks ago to buy groceries, I was browsing the toy section with my brother and I spotted some Furbys. They were only $50 (as opposed to our $70)! I really really wanted to get one but after some deliberation, decided not to. I carried the Furby box with me until we were getting ready to pay (because the one I wanted was the last one) and then just left it on a random shelf (yes, I'm sorry but I'm one of those people who leave their crap everywhere). At the cash, my brother told me he'd get it for me, I thought he was kidding. When he reassured me he wasn't, we hurried to the shelf where I left it. IT WAS GONE! Talk about efficiency, I wish it was like that in Canada, except in this case, I didn't wish for them to be so efficient.

My brother beelined to the toy aisle and lo and behold, my Furby was already there. It was literally 5 mins between the time I left it on the shelf and the time my brother offered to get it for me. He grabbed the Furby I wanted and paid for it.

All the Different Furbys.

When I originally planned on getting it, I was going to get the white one but there were only three colours at Wal-Mart, the red, dark blue and the one I took. I wasn't entirely crazy about the one I took but the longer I had it, the more I liked it. Now, I'm in love with it.

Front View.

Top View.

It's cool that they actually included a little swatch where you can touch and feel the fur of your Furby. It also gives you a good idea of what the actual colour will be.

Side View.

Side View.

Your Furby's personality depends on how you interact with it. It says on the box that it can become anything and it can even be a viking, haha!

Side View.


Doesn't that make Furby seem like a big deal? It's like the unboxing of some super destructive machine in the movies, complete with the blank eyes. 

Mini Poster/instruction guide.

One side of the poster.

Other side.

So many batteries...

So Furby needs 4 AA batteries, that's a lot! Alex kindly provided me with the batteries, seems like I didn't have to pay for anything related to the Furby :D

The moment I placed the last battery in, Furby came to life and started squirming around. It was blabbering in Furbish and I had no idea what it was saying. It did fart twice in my hands while I was screwing the cap back on though. 

It's aliiiiiiiiive!

Goochie Goo!

I didn't read the instructions and went straight into fiddling with Furby. It likes being tickled, as as you can see, it giggles a lot when I do it. After exhausting the tickling, I finally decided to take a look at the poster.

It's back end. 

Furby App.

To really play with Furby, you need to download the Furby app, which is free.

Start Screen.

For some reason when the app opens, they recommend you use it upside down for optimal performance.

Once you get pass the opening screen, you have a few options to choose from. They have the pantry, which has snacks for your Furby, ranging from sardines to some really weird looking mush. My Furby didn't like sardines, he spat it back out. 

The deli allows you make different types of sandwiches and burgers for your Furby. They have the standard normal hamburgers but you can customize it to include underwear....

Translator is as it says, it needs a few seconds to calibrate the frequency to your Furby. Once it's done, it will translate from Furbish to English. It's pretty interesting and cute.

Dictionary is self-explanatory, you can look up words in Furbish. 

Pantry Example.

Feeding Furby.

To feed Furby, you'll need to swipe the food upwards and then place the your Furby app-using device close to Furby's mouth. Within seconds, it'll receive the food and chew with an om om om and it'll probably do a happy dance if it likes it. If it doesn't, he'll spit it back out and the food will appear on your device's screen again. 

When I showed my mom Furby and told her the more you speak to it in whatever language, the faster it'll learn and speak to you in that language. She promptly took it from me and started shouting at it in Cantonese, she even sang to it a few times, and it danced and giggled each time. 

Obi is obviously afraid of it because it moved and wiggled. Kami's really curious about it and keeps sniffing and licking it and got its fur all wet. 

Furby is now sleeping quietly on my desk, it makes a lot of noise when it's awake, always giggling and talking. I really like the new Furby and it's so cute and way softer than the old ones. The only problem it's very loud when it talks and not understanding it in Furbish is a little annoying. But as Furby starts to pick up some English (or Cantonese), it'll probably get better. Another minor issue is the fact that you need 4 AA batteries to power this little thing.